Download PixelPhone Pro v3.3.1 APK
PixelPhone Pro v3.3.1 APK
PixelPhone Pro - Merupakan aplikasi yang dirilis oleh para Developer PixelRush yang memungkinkan untuk mengubah tampilan kontak, atau sebagainya. PixelPhone Pro ini juga di nilai seharga Rp 59.000 ini sebanding dengan fitur yang di miliki diantaranya Antarmuka sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan, Cepat dan cerdas pencarian dengan semua bidang kontak (QWERTY dan T9), Dukungan perangkat dual SIM dan lain sebagainya.
PixelPhone Pro, saya bagikan gratis kok.. Ayoo silahkan di download
Bagaimana tampilan dan Fitur PixelPhone Pro
- Quick and easy organization of favorite contacts into groups
- Smooth scrolling groups up and down
- Quickly navigate to a group by swiping your finger
- Tap on bottom group indicator to hand pick a group
- Different size of icons and labels to contacts for each group
- Favorite action for contact in one-touch (call, send message, locate address, ...)
- The contact card with details and history of calls
- Classic or widescreen background image for groups
- Quick T9 search through all fields of contacts and call history
- Support for multiple languages for T9 search
- Customizable dialpad size (small, medium and large)
- Display the call history (the grouping, missed/all calls ...)
- Support dialpad gestures (hide the keyboard, clean filters or undo input)
- Customizable contact list (photos, phone number, organization, ...)
- Speed Dial
- Clipboard support
- Fixed: Phone call as default action instead of send email for favorites
- Fixed: Display unknown phone numbers in call log
- Fixed: Hide after call
- Fixed: Crash after theme changing
- Fixed: Crash in launch of application (sometimes)
- Fixed: Crash in T9 search
- Fixed: Crash in background
- Fixed: Crash when choosing SIM mask
- Some bug fixes...
Link Download
Download PixelPhone Pro v3.3.1 APK
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Silahkan sob,
ReplyIya nanti sy follback sob..